Wood Fired Ovens for Wyoming

A stunningly beautiful state, Wyoming is known for its smaller cities and widely distributed population.

With plenty of its population proud of traditional home living, there are many ESSE customers in the state already and these cast-iron ovens and cook stoves that blend innovation with heritage are developing a reputation – and well-deserved.

Mixing Rural Charm with Modern Technology

ESSE’s 990 Wood-Fired Cooker, for example, incorporates slam-shut doors and hinge stops into its design, preventing the oven doors from crashing open and ensuring they’ll close without extra steps on your part – perfect when your hands are full of roasting tin or baking loaves.

It’s suitable for continuous burning and boasts three ovens, each of which can be maintained at different temperatures – perfect for a family feast at Thanksgiving, especially with each oven being designed for large capacity.

Atop that sits another ESSE innovation, a six-pan-strong hotplate which allows you to get different heats on different pans simply by moving them up and down the scale.

Another favourite is the ESSE Ironheart multi fuel cook stove. Like the 990, it can heat the room it’s in constantly as well as providing cooking support, and even spread some heat to rooms beyond.

Unlike the 990, it can be installed in your living room as well as in your kitchen, and its design reflects that, with a firebox suitable for toasting marshmallows as well as a high-capacity deep oven and hotplate suitable for six pans – perfect in the oven or at tableside!